Friday, 1 July 2016

Not my parent!

So we have been talking about how we can manage our reactions when we are in broken homes. Today, I would want to talk about those step parents that are not nice. I first started in my previous post 'Evil' Steps that no one can really take the place of your biological parents because no two people are the same. However, I will not pretend that I do not know that there are some step parents who do not even try their best to love or take care of you. Most times, you find yourself wondering how to handle the situation. It becomes terrible when your biological parent in the marriage doesn't believe you or just think you are whiny and seeking attention.

If you are a christian in a Bible believing church, please I beg you to seek counsel from your pastor or relevant authorities. Do not die in silence especially if there is any kind of abuse going on. I would also suggest that you do not pay evil with evil. There is a strong temptation to fight back when we feel oppressed or angry. That is very normal. However, as teens that belong first to Christ, we should do what Christ did. He did not repay the evil men did to him by sending down angels to strike them dead. He did not fight back during the times of humiliation. This does not in anyway show stupidity, it simply shows the wisdom of God because good always wins.

Every time you want to retaliate, think of Jesus and His response to the people who wanted to kill Him. Respect your parents no matter how hard it can be. It is a biblical injunction and the God promises you long life if you obey your parents even your step parents inclusive. Avoid trouble with them the best way you can. You won't be in that house forever. Do not talk back at them and this is when you will have to learn self-control which is a fruit of the Spirit (Gal 5:22).

It is important you allow this process draw you closer to God because He is the greatest father; He promises to be the father to the fatherless and a mother to the motherless. Lean on Him for support. Pray and pray and again I say pray. Ask God to help you love them and give you strength to carry on. He is the one that lifts those who are bowed down (Psalm 145:14). I will also advise that you get engaged in something productive that keeps you busy because lonely moments can be depressing. Join good clubs, read good books, take a vocation class or whatever and keep yourself busy. Have a 'Can do' attitude because you can do all things through Christ who gives you strength. You will go through this and come out stronger.

For personal counsel, reach me through my email: I will be glad to personally respond to your questions.

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