Toyosi's house was bigger than hers with a very large front yard. She loved the serenity that came with the house. Asides the location of the house in GRA (which is the location of the wealthy), she wished she had the freedom that Toyosi had. Toyosi's father was never really around because of business trips but he spoilt her with money. Toyosi had all she wanted and needed. There was no one screaming verses of scripture and disturbing her with the need to attend church activities. Toyosi was third out of four children and two of them had chosen to settle in Sweden. Toyosi would be alone at home at the time she was to meet Eric which was why she agreed to allow them meet at her place. Eric said they would leave for the party around 1pm. She looked at her watch it was almost 11am.
Rachael felt she could surprise Eric at his place instead of going to Toyosi's house. She could hang around there till it was time for the party. Eric was the centre of her world. She wanted to be with him for as long as she could. She remembered their first night together. Though, she wanted to wait like her mother said every good girl should, Eric was not ready to wait for her. She had imagined that it would happen in a cozy environment with dim lights and music but Eric would not wait for such arrangements. It had happened in Eric's friend's truck parked behind a school. Eric had insisted and she had no choice. She felt powerless in his arms. During the act, she felt the eyes of her mother watching her and she trembled with guilt but the pleasure she was experiencing outweighed any feelings of guilt that her good conscience wanted her to feel. After that night, it had become pretty regular. She wondered why it usually happened in odd places. The last time, it happened in Danjuma's market stall. Eric had the keys and took her there not caring about her own preferences. She could not deny that she felt cheap after that but Eric kept reassuring her that his love for her constantly set him on fire. Besides, being Eric's girl was enough. His rugged handsomeness made every girl crave for him. She was a lucky girl, she thought.
Eric's head was bowed. He held his Cigarette tightly between his fingers. He was so angry that the idiot, Dennis would make a fool out of him. Watching him lie on the ground all beaten up was not enough to calm him down. He felt a throbbing headache but the matter at hand needed to be dealt with. Ola paced around the room in giant strides. Eric's room was not tidy because he never really stayed much in his own house. The posters of half naked women were plastered around. His lights were all blue colour giving the room a dark feel. His sound system was opposite the bed and a table top fridge that held all the booze was at the right corner. He really did not keep much in the house.
Dennis was lying almost unconscious on the carpet which needed a change. The floor had not been swept for as long as Eric could remember. He had tied Dennis' hands tied behind him and his breathing had become very unsteady. Marcus, his right hand man laid on the bed with a gun placed on his chest. He just wanted Eric to give him the order and Dennis would be dead. He owed them some money. He had taken merchandize worth over two hundred thousand naira. He had not only refused to pay but he thought he could hide. Eric was not the person to hide from because he had his ways of sniffing out rats from their holes.
"Give me the gun." Eric quietly ordered. "Finally! Jeez...! I was beginning you weren't man enough to end the guy. I don tire to dey look you." Marcus handed the gun over to Eric and stood up. This would be fun. It would send a message to others who thought they could take them for a ride. If Dennis got killed, all who owed them would pay back as soon as possible. The thought of money rolling in and the respect they would get made Marcus more excited. Ola stood now. He was a bit shaken but did not want to show it. He also craved the respect that being part of the gang offered him. His life had been too difficult and joining the gang seemed to make his problems go away. He however never bargained for taking another man's life. "Maybe we should give him some more time, I think after this, he would pay up" Ola said quietly with his head bowed. The silence was broken with the sound of thunder. The rain was warming up for a very big downpour. Marcus eyes glared with anger as he looked at Ola. "Oh boy! When you take join us? Do you know how we roll?" He had to control his rising voice. He felt Eric's hand on his shoulder cautioning him to be quiet. Eric looked at both men. His eyes stone cold. Ola was scared. It was as if a demon had possessed Eric. Eric walked to where Ola stood. Their eyes locked for five seconds. Eric turned. His hands held the gun at the perfect angle. A shot was fired. "Hi Eric!" The door opened. Rachael gasped. Her bag dropped. The world stopped. Marcus waited for Eric to do the needful. Eric was dumbfounded. Rachael was at the gate, her hands were quivering. She did not stop running. She had just witnessed a murder.
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