Tuesday, 12 July 2016

You have a right to be angry!

We all get upset at some point. If you have siblings who can't stop getting on your nerves or parents who never know how to talk without shouting, then you very well know what it means to be upset. Being upset is normal. In fact, if you do not get angry or upset, then we will be concerned. It is part of the human condition in fact, even God gets angry. Jesus got angry and drove the buyers and sellers out of the temple. So, it is not a sin to be upset or angry over things you do not like.

However, how we react during those moments is what is key. I have been talking about how we should handle issues that confront us in situations when the home is broken and I know that everyone has a fair share of problems whether at home or in school. You have every right to be angry but not to remain angry. I always ask a question, what would happen if God always stayed angry with man because we deserve His anger, if we want to be fair. He was so angry with man that He wiped them away from the face of the earth and kept only Noah and his family. Despite God's anger, He still found it in His heart to love man.

Things will always get you upset and angry but it is not wise to take them so much to heart that you become resentful and bitter. It is not even healthy. Malice and bitterness are not the kind of feelings you should nurse because they grow into very unpleasant things like depression, violence and even promiscuity. If you have a friend who has made it a constant assignment to make you angry, ask God to help you manage such friends. You could try to find out more about them because a lot of them are acting out their own pain too. Some may be hurt deep down inside that they find it difficult to relate with other people. If you would ask God for wisdom, you might just be surprised that they are not as bad as you think. Do things for them even when they did not ask for it. Love breaks people. Ask anywhere, it is so true.

If the friend still is unresponsive, love them from a distance because your emotional well-being is important too. Avoid relationships that weigh you down more than they lift you up especially after you have put in your best to make the relationship work. God understands when you are upset. He understands when you just want to punch the walls and break the chairs and that is why you can go to Him and ask Him to help your heart. God loves you!

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